We want to hear from you! In case you attended the meeting, please complete the survey.
Vilnius – the capital of Lithuania is a city situated on the boundary of two ancient – Latin and Byzantine – civilizations. People from all different nationalities, religions and cultures lived here and have created a colorful city mosaic. Vilnius has one of the largest Old Towns in Central and Eastern Europe where the buildings of different styles and the network of medieval streets are very well preserved. The Old Town of Vilnius is part of the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Registration fees SIOPEN AGM 2024
EARLY registration until 9 of August: (25% discount for early registrations)
Price with 25% discount:
150 € for SIOPEN members
150 € participants from Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia)
225 € for non-members from SIOPEN countries
225 € for non-members from European countries
300 € for non-members from non-SIOPEN countries and pharma
30 € dinner (Thursday)
LATE registration from 10 of August:
200€ for SIOPEN members
200 € participants from Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia)
300€ for non-members from SIOPEN countries
300€ for non-members from European countries
400€ for non-members from non-SIOPEN countries and pharma
30 € dinner (Thursday)
Download the SIOPEN AGM 2024 Program
If you are a SIOPEN member, please download the full program by clicking on the button below as this is a restricted version including all the sessions.
By clicking on the button, a login page will pop up in case you are not logged in already, and then the document will be displayed and able to be downloaded.
Specific agendas for Wednesday sessions. Note that these are restricted to SIOPEN members:
Quality of Life - Long Term Outcome (08:30-10:00)
Nuclear Medicine & Physics (13:30-15:30)
Joint session: NDD/Immunotherapy/Biology (16:00-18:00)
The FULL OPEN program is available for all registered participants and only contains those sessions open accordingly.
This year we are going to have abstract presentations, only electronic format will be accepted.
Deadline for submissions will be the 19th of August 2024.
Requirements: limited to 300 words, structure: Background - Methods/Patients - Results - Conclusions.
Please note that being a SIOPEN Annual General Meeting, submitting your work will not preclude you from presenting your research in another International Congress.
After the reviewers’ evaluation, the best 3 abstracts will have a 10-minute presentation during the AGM. Slides will be requested by email before the meeting. Note that other selected abstracts will have 1-2-minute presentations. Further information will be sent to those chosen.