Quality of Life - Long Term Outcome
Chair: Vassilios Papadakis (Greece) vpapadak@otenet.gr
Vice chair: Lieve Tytgat (The Netherlands) g.a.m.tytgat@prinsesmaximacentrum.nl
Ruth Ladenstein (Austria)
Edit Bardi (Austria)
Ulrike Poetschger (Austria)
Geneviève Laureys (Belgium)
Ingeborg Ghooge (Belgium)
Frederic Acke (Belgium)
Matthias Dewitte (Belgium)
Barbara Colsoul (Belgium)
Kim Vettenranta (Finland)
Dominique Valteau (France)
Claudia Pasqualini (France)
Gudrun Schleiermacher (France)
Angelika Eggert (Germany)
Thorsten Simon (Germany)
Barbara Hero (Germany)
Theresa Thole (Germany)
Vassilios Papadakis (Greece)
Georgia Kokkinou (Greece)
Vassiliki Tzotzola (Greece)
Godfrey Chan (Hong Kong)
Cormac Owens (Ireland)
Shifra Ash (Israel)
Alberto Garaventa (Italy)
Andrea Di Cataldo (Italy)
Marta Giorgia Podda (Italy)
Monica Muraca (Italy)
Catia Olianti (Italy)
Ricardo Haupt (Italy)
Ellen Ruud (Norway)
Maria Winther Gunnes (Norway)
Aleksandra Wieczorek (Poland)
C Constantino (Portugal)
Maja Cesen- Mazic (Slovenia)
Lucas Moreno (Spain)
Adela Canete (Spain)
Maja Beck-Popovic (Switzerland)
Diezi Manuel (Switzerland)
Lieve Tytgat (The Netherlands)
Alex Hoetink (The Netherlands)
Juliet Gray (UK)
Peppy Meunier Brock (UK)
Deborah Tweddle (UK)
Ramya Ramanujachar (UK)
Emma Potter (UK)
Helen Pearson (UK)
Fiona Herd (UK)
Create a SIOPEN Registry for the long outcome/ post-protocol evaluation and monitoring of all NBL patients
Specific toxicities (ototoxicity, second malignancies, endocrine-Growth-myoskeletal outcome, renal toxicity): Enhance patient registration, data analysis, publication of SIOPEN experience
Enhance interchange with other partners: PanCare, COG LEAHRN, National Registries
Promote Education on Quality of Life and Long-Term Outcome issues within SIOPEN and SIOP Europe and Internationally, for healthcare personnel, parents, pharma and decision-makers
Inform new protocol on QoL-LTO issues for best clinical practice and research
Cooperate with all relevant organizations internationally and Committees within SIOPEN for research and education
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Please first register to become a SIOPEN member and then contact the specialty committee chair and/or co-chair in order to join the committee.