SIOPEN Clinical trials
High Risk Neuroblastoma Study 1 (HR-NBL1)
The main objective of the HR-NBL1 trial is to correlate clinical, therapeutic and molecular biological features with Event Free Survival (EFS).
SIOPEN Low and Intermediate Risk Neuroblastoma European Study (LINES)
This study aims to improve the outcome for patients with newly diagnosed low and intermediate-risk neuroblastoma.
VERITAS - Trial Evaluating and Comparing Two Intensification Treatment Strategies for Metastatic Neuroblastoma Patients With a Poor Response to Induction Chemotherapy
This study aims to improve the outcome for patients with high risk neuroblastoma which is refractory to induction chemotherapy
A randomised phase IIb trial of BEvACizumab added to Temozolomide ± IrinOtecan for children with refractory/relapsed Neuroblastoma (The BEACON trial)
This study aims to improve the outcome of children with relapsed or refractory neuroblastoma.