Sabine Taschner-Mandl

Sabine Taschner-Mandl, PhD, has been head of the Tumor Biology group at St. Anna Children's Cancer Research Institute (Vienna Austria) since 2018, where she has been working scientifically since 2008. Taschner-Mandl completed her studies of Molecular Biology and Genetics at the University of Vienna.

This was followed by a PhD thesis and a post-doc position at the Institute of Immunology at the Medical University of Vienna. Taschner-Mandl was a visiting scientist at the University of Helsinki, Finland, within the EC-FP7 Marie Curie Program. For her research, Taschner-Mandl has received national and international grants, among others from the Vienna Science, Research and Technology Fund, the Austrian Research Promotion Agency and the European Commission.

Her research focuses on translational pediatric cancer research, precision oncology and innovative diagnostics. The researcher is a member of international professional societies and working groups (SIOPEN, ITCC, INRG) and currently serves as co-chair of the SIOPEN Biology Speciality Committee. With new molecular biomarkers gaining importance in clinical decision making, quality in molecular diagnostics, harmonization of reporting across borders and continuous research on pathological mechanisms underlying neuroblastoma are her specific areas of interest. She is one of the six representatives of the lesser recruiting country within the SIOPEN Executive Committee.


Thorsten Simon


Maja Česen Mazič