Statistics Committee


Chair: Ulrike Pötschger (Austria),


  • Evgenia Glogova (Austria)

  • Helga Arnardottir (Austria)

  • Dan Chalitiel (France)

  • Gwenael Le Teuff (France)

  • Veronique Mosseri (France)

  • Martina Fragola (Italy)

  • Jose D. Bermudez (Spain)

  • Rebekah Weston (UK)


The main aim of the statistical committee is to provide expertise and support in all issues related to statistical methodology for all scientific activities of the SIOPEN. Focusing on clinical research, the tasks range from statistical support in the design of clinical trials and research projects, the statistical analysis of data as well as collaboration in the publication of our results. We contribute to the clinical trials of SIOPEN that cover all phases of clinical trials, i.e. early clinical trials as well as our large international randomized trials, either in a front-line setting or for refractory or relapsing patients.

The ongoing evolution in medicine as well as unaddressed methodological needs, asks for refined and novel approaches of statistical design and analysis. An important aim of our committee is to share experiences on methodological developments between the methodologists and between the other SIOPEN members to provide state-of-the-art expertise and to define common methodological standards.

Interested in joining the Specialty committee?

Please first register to become a SIOPEN member and then contact the specialty committee chair and/or co-chair in order to join the committee.


Finance Steering Committee


Advocate Committee