

Chair: Patrizia Dall'Igna (Italy)


  • Michael Nightingale (Australia)

  • Martin Metzelder (Austria)

  • Lucas Matthyssens (Belgium)

  • Daphne Hompes (Belgium)

  • Sabine Sarnacki (France)

  • Sabine Irtan (France)

  • Luca Pio (France)

  • Jorg Fuchs (Germany)

  • Steven Warmann (Germany)

  • Patrizia Dall’Igna (Italy)

  • Alessandro Crocoli (Italy)

  • Alessandro Inserra (Italy)

  • Stefano Avenzini (Italy)

  • Giuseppe Martucciello (Italy)

  • Calogero Virgone (Italy)

  • Kristin Bjørnland (Norway)

  • Jan Godzinski (Poland)

  • Aleksandra Wieczorek (Poland)

  • Anna Taczanonska-Nimczuk (Poland)

  • Amos Loh Hong Pheng (Singapore)

  • Javier Gomez-Chacon (Spain)

  • Jakob Stenman (Sweden)

  • Nicolas Jauquier (Switzerland)

  • Jean-Marc Joseph (Switzerland)

  • CP Van de Ven (The Netherlands)

  • Kate Cross (UK)

  • Sarah Braungart (UK)

  • Hany Gabra (UK)

  • Bhanumathi Lakshminarayanan (UK)

  • Paul Losty (UK)


Key achievements in year 2020:

  • The publication of an international standard for systematic surgery report for neuroblastoma as a SIOPEN, COG and GPOH initiative (e-CRF). This report comprises three major parts (general information, intraoperative details based on the list of IDRFs and complications) and is now integrated in the new HRNBL2 hisgh risk protocol. It aims to be filled out on line by the surgeon him/herself, or the referent surgeon of the country and to be inserted in the others neuroblastoma protocols. The aim is now to disseminate this form, evaluate its accessibility and usefulness in the future protocols and to use it to do specific studies on surgical questions.

  • After a short survey on the practice of minimally invasive surgery in neuroblastoma treatment, a larger study was performed collecting 259 patients over 10 countries and 16 centers. 30% presented at least one IDRF. Complete or near complete resection was achieved in 85% of cases, conversion occurred in 10% and surgical- related morbidity in 10%. The manuscript will be submitted soon.

  • Finally a work aimed at evaluate the influence of residues on the outcome of HR patients in 13 centers from 8 countries was done. This work, which is relying on the data of HRNBL01, is still under the supervision of Ulrike Poetschger and Ruth Ladenstein and is waiting for their answer to be written and submitted.

Specific deliverable objective(s) for next 1 year:

  • to publish the paper on MIS in neuroblastoma

  • to begin the analysis on LINES

  • to begin the study on ganglioneuroma

Objectives for next 5 years:

  • to publish a paper on the surgical questions in LINES

  • to publish a paper aiming at delivering guidelines for indication and surgery in ganglioneuromas

  • to set-up a regular meeting with a panel of SIOPEN expert surgeons open to European (and even non-European) surgeons to deliver advices for surgery of complex cases.

Selected outputs

A Novel Standard for Systematic Reporting of Neuroblastoma Surgery: The International Neuroblastoma Surgical Report Form (INSRF): A Joint Initiative by the Pediatric Oncological Cooperative Groups SIOPEN*, COG**, and GPOH**.

Matthyssens LE, Nuchtern JG, Van De Ven CP, Gabra HOS, Bjornland K, Irtan S, Stenman J, Pio L, Cross KM, Avanzini S, Inserra A, Chacon JG, Dall'igna P, Von Schweinitz D, Holmes K, Fuchs J, Squire R, Valteau-Couanet D, Park JR, Eggert A, Losty PD, La Quaglia MP, Sarnacki S; Surgical and Medical Committees of SIOPEN*, COG** and GPOH***. Ann Surg. 2020 Jul 7.

Influence of Surgical Excision on the Survival of Patients With Stage 4 High-Risk Neuroblastoma: A Report From the HR-NBL1/SIOPEN Study.

Holmes K, Pötschger U, Pearson ADJ, Sarnacki S, Cecchetto G, Gomez-Chacon J, Squire R, Freud E, Bysiek A, Matthyssens LE, Metzelder M, Monclair T, Stenman J, Rygl M, Rasmussen L, Joseph JM, Irtan S, Avanzini S, Godzinski J, Björnland K, Elliott M, Luksch R, Castel V, Ash S, Balwierz W, Laureys G, Ruud E, Papadakis V, Malis J, Owens C, Schroeder H, Beck-Popovic M, Trahair T, Forjaz de Lacerda A, Ambros PF, Gaze MN, McHugh K, Valteau-Couanet D, Ladenstein RL; International Society of Paediatric Oncology Europe Neuroblastoma Group (SIOPEN). J Clin Oncol. 2020 Jul 8:JCO1903117.

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